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Special Thanks to Wawa!
What a wonderful surprise to learn that Wawa selected CODI to receive a Wawa Good Neighbor Shout Out and generous donation. Among Wawa's founding principles, one stands out. Their ongoing commitment to give back to the communities where they do business. Wawa and their associates continuously seek opportunities to make Wawa the best neighbors they can be.
Wawa evidences this through corporate and regional efforts and associates, such as Heidi at our Egg Harbor City Wawa, who keep the company's "good neighbor" philosophy alive and well.
Our local store generously donated subs to CODI, signifying their ongoing commitment to giving back to the communities they serve. Special thanks to associate Heidi for her recommendation and general manager Kim for approving CODI for the Good Neighbor Shout Out. Please visit the new Super Wawa in Egg Harbor City and let the folks there know how much we appreciate their support of our community.