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Liebe Freunde,

Vielen Dank, dass Sie das Geschäftsjahr 2021 zu einem weiteren bemerkenswerten Jahr für Career Opportunity Development, Inc. (CODI) gemacht haben. Im Laufe des Jahres haben unsere engagierten Mitarbeiter unglaubliche Arbeit geleistet, um die Dienstleistungen in den schwierigsten Zeiten aufrechtzuerhalten. Unser ständiges Ziel ist es, unsere Gemeinkosten niedrig zu halten und gleichzeitig unsere Kapazitäten zu erhöhen, und Sie helfen wirklich dabei, dies möglich zu machen!
CODI ist stärker denn je aufgrund unserer ständig wachsenden Gemeinschaft von großartigen und großzügigen Menschen, die Zeit, Ressourcen, Lebensmittel, Vorräte, Geld, Talente und Schweißkapital spenden, um unsere Mission zu unterstützen. Wir wissen, dass wir wirklich glücklich sind, und Danke scheint ein so kleines Zeichen unserer Wertschätzung zu sein.

Während ich diesen Brief schreibe, erinnere ich mich an eines meiner Lieblingszitate von
Ruth Smeltzer: „Sie haben keinen perfekten Tag erlebt, selbst wenn Sie Geld verdient haben, es sei denn, Sie haben etwas für jemanden getan, der es Ihnen nie zurückzahlen kann.“

Auch wenn wir Ihnen nie alles zurückzahlen können, was Sie für unsere Unterstützung getan haben, hoffe ich, dass Sie unseren herzlichen Dank und unsere Wertschätzung annehmen. Ihr anhaltendes Engagement für diejenigen, denen wir dienen, erinnert uns daran, wie glücklich wir sind, Ihre Unterstützung zu haben. Ihre Großzügigkeit und Ihr Mitgefühl haben uns in diesen schwierigen Zeiten motiviert und inspiriert, und dafür sind wir sehr dankbar. 
Linda L. Carney
Präsident/CEO – Entwicklung von Karrierechancen, Inc.

Habits that support our mental health. We may want to consider incorporating the steps below into our self-care routine. 

Always Be Humble and Kind - Smile at someone, be friendly to someone we don't know. Be generous with our time, energy, gifts, talents, and resources. Be patient, easygoing, warm-hearted, and thoughtful. Kind hearts are quietly kind. They let a car cut before them without losing their temper, let the three-year-old mom move in front of them in the checkout line, or take time to listen to others instead of complaining. We can show mercy and grace to those we feel may have slighted or wronged us and, in doing so, understand that mercy is the most profound gesture of kindness. 

Bring Nature Inside – while nature provides many benefits to our mental health, so does bringing plant life inside. According to the World Economic Forum, taking care of a plant can give us a sense of fulfillment while improving air quality and reducing airborne pollutants in our internal environments. Improved air quality can also boost cognitive performance. 

Clean Our Space - regardless of where our space is located, we can make it as clean and organized as possible. Spring cleaning is an age-old expression of getting a fresh start after the long winter months, but it also boosts our mental health. According to Very Well Health, just the spring cleaning ritual can give us a sense of accomplishment and control over our environment. 

Focus on our Sleep - the benefits of a good night's Sleep can supercharge our brains and bodies. One of the ways we can look within is to see how we're treating ourselves. Optum Health notes that limiting alcohol and caffeine before bed, lighting our meals, reducing exposure to screens, and keeping our space dark and cool are ways to have a better sleeping experience. Let's all commit to taking extra care of our mental health!


Linda L. Carney

"I have been privileged to be associated with CODI since 2008 as a member of the Board of Directors. The Board is committed to CODI's mission of enriching the personal, social, and economic independence of individuals with disabilities and disadvantages through employment and housing. The Board feels very fortunate to have Linda Carney as the President and CEO. She is, without question, the driving force behind CODI's success over the last several decades.
Linda sets a clear and ambitious vision for the organization. She leads a talented management team firmly committed to the organization's mission and focuses on continuous quality improvement. Through Linda's outstanding leadership, CODI enjoys the respect of the community's long-term relationships with local churches and has enlisted a large group of volunteers that help provide holiday meals, food assistance, and many other benefits for the consumers at CODI and their families.
Quantifying CODI's tremendous positive impact on countless individuals isn't easy. However, it is undoubtedly significant. It is gratifying to see CODI achieve its mission of serving its consumers with an unapparelled quality of care. CODI accomplishes its mission through even the most challenging circumstances, whether providing housing, assisting with employment, or enriching its clients' personal and economic situations.
Through CODI's outstanding leadership team, solid financial position, careful planning, and diverse revenue streams, its future couldn't be brighter. I feel honored to be a CODI's Board of Directors member."
                                                                                                                                           Joe Cella
                                                                                                                               Past Board Chair

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