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Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) - The Division oversees the provision of a broad range of community mental health and addiction services throughout the State. They contract with us to provide community-based housing, community-based mental health services, and supportive services.
Our partnership with DMHAS aims to increase residents’ ability to live independently on a long-term basis with sustainable employment and financial stability. We support an individual’s journey toward mental health, stability, and a fulfilling life through various mechanisms.
Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) assures the opportunity for individuals with developmental disabilities to receive quality services and supports, participate meaningfully in their communities, and exercise their right to make choices.
Our partnership with DDD helps achieve health and safety for individuals with developmental disabilities while supporting and respecting the rights of those individuals to make their own choices. The ATS program provides training and learning opportunities in vocational areas, daily living, and job skills.
One of our group homes provides stable and supportive housing for individuals with a dual diagnosis of developmentally disabled and mentally ill.
Funding Partners
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) assists individuals with physical, mental, cognitive, or other forms of disability that create a substantial impediment to employment. The mission of the Division is to enable individuals with disabilities to achieve an employment outcome consistent with their strengths, priorities, needs, abilities, and capabilities.
Through our partnership with DVRS and their funding, CODI is able to secure production jobs that allow consumers to work at a pace that is comfortable for them and tailored to their needs and abilities.
Production Partners

Nicholas & Partners
Nicholas and Partners have partnered with CODI for over a decade, using direct mail services. Our consumers collate, stuff, seal, and label mailings for several of their customers. Nick has provided regular work for CODI’s program.
Curexa Pharmacy
Curexa provides mail-order services for their many prescriptions. Since 2020, they have relied on our Outsource center to construct the boxes for the orders. Thousands of various boxes are constructed each week. The partnership has been valuable for our consumers as well as Curexa.

Cheerful Givers
Each day, CODI consumers wick each candle produced by Cheerful Givers. This valuable community partnership empowers individuals with special needs to earn a paycheck and build a sense of pride and purpose. Please support them as they support us.

Craig Test Boring
Craig Test Boring in Mays Landing has utilized the services of our Outsource Center for many years. Our consumers screw lids on soil sample jars. Over 11,000 jars and lids come in at a time! It is a pleasure to partner with a local business.

Community Partners
ACCSES NJ is a not-for-profit organization providing leadership and support to members who advocate for and serve persons with disabilities through community-based programs statewide. ACCESS NJ also serves as the state's Central Nonprofit Agency (CNA). As the state's CNA ACCESS NJ facilitates the distribution of commodities and services for state and local government.
State setasides encourage and assist individuals with severe disabilities to achieve maximum personal independence through productive employment by assuring a continuous market for commodities and services provided by them, thereby enhancing their dignity and capacity for self-support and minimizing their dependence on public assistance and the need for costly institutionalization.
This program establishes a mechanism through which people with severe disabilities throughout the State of New Jersey are encouraged and enabled to become productively employed through participation in community rehabilitation programs.
ACCESS NJ is actively involved in advocating against eliminating Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. Elimination means that our Outsource Center would either be forced to close or be required to pay at least minimum wage for all consumer jobs. Production jobs are paid at a piece rate, meaning that individuals are paid for the number of units completed. Individuals work at a pace that is comfortable for them and tailored to their abilities. Through set-aside contracts, 51 individuals earned $1,128,862.04 in wages during Fiscal Year 2023.
The rhetoric surrounding sheltered workshops is often inflammatory and filled with emotionally charged language depicting them as places lacking dignity and worth. CODI views everyone as valuable and inherently worthy. We support their efforts to work and feel included no matter their abilities.
New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies, Inc. (NJAMHAA)
The New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies, Inc. (NJAMHAA), established in 1951, has become recognized as a leader in providing effective advocacy and legislative support to its members and the community. The association and its members create a face for individuals with mental illness, substance use disorders, or opioid use disorders who often have no voice of their own. Making sure individuals with behavioral health disorders are no longer invisible, ignored, or misunderstood, NJAMHAA is at the national forefront of fighting stigma and discrimination.
Mental illness is a symptom of an unhealthy brain. It is not a choice or a character flaw. Everyone should learn to recognize signs and symptoms that could mean someone is struggling with mental illness.
Through CODI's partnership with NJAMHAA, our group homes, supportive housing, and community support services provide individuals with strategies and tools to lead fulfilling lives in the community with their friends and family.

Stockton University
Our Community Partnership with Stockton University affords CODI the opportunity to collaborate with Stockton Faculty and Staff, engage with student interns, have students complete service-learning projects, and network with other community partners. This community partnership benefits the students, who gain practical experience in their chosen CODI as we gain insight and knowledge into new clinical practices, data collection, and interactions between the community and consumers.
Each school year, CODI hosts an average of ten students. Level one students work in teams of two one day per week for five weeks where they supervise groups of consumers and develop activities specifically for ATS consumers. Level two students work individually for twelve weeks, where they supervise groups of consumers, work one-on-one with individuals, and collect data on characteristics like reach, grip strength, and balance.
During Fiscal Year 2023, Stockton students partnered with CODI for 551 hours.
Jean Webster Food Pantry
Friends of Jean Webster (FOJW) is an Atlantic City, NJ food pantry. The kitchen was forced to close approximately ten years ago and now operates as a food pantry out of the former St. Monica’s Church at 108 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Atlantic City.
FOJW serves approximately 3,000 people per month in one of the worst food desserts in New Jersey, and in calendar year 2022, it distributed 5,000 pounds of food. Individuals in the area around the pantry are some of the poorest people in the state, with a poverty rate greater than 30%.
A CODI staff member and three to five consumers are at the pantry on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week. They unload and box up food, distribute food boxes, perform intake duties, and interact with people coming to the pantry. CODI also does mailings, and our President/CEO served as the Board President of FOJW.


Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is the nation’s first hospital founded to exclusively treat children. It is a nationally recognized hospital that consistently ranks near the top of U.S. News and World Report’s Honor Roll of the best children’s hospitals. Five days per week CODI partners with CHOP to prepare approximately 20 healthy lunches for children and their families. The meals are delivered to their Egg Harbor Township satellite facility.

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