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La historia de Dolores

La historia de Aarón

La historia de Kayla

La historia de Roberto

Proveedor CODITestimonials


Compañía Nicholas y socios

Gerente de inventario
Farmacia de compuestos Curexa


“¿Qué significa CODI para¿Tú?

Mire cómo Delores, Aaron, Kayla y Robert le cuentan lo que CODI significa para ellos.

"I have been privileged to be associated with CODI since 2008 as a member of the Board of Directors. The Board is committed to CODI's mission of enriching the personal, social, and economic independence of individuals with disabilities and disadvantages through employment and housing. The Board feels very fortunate to have Linda Carney as the President and CEO. She is, without question, the driving force behind CODI's success over the last several decades.
Linda sets a clear and ambitious vision for the organization. She leads a talented management team firmly committed to the organization's mission and focuses on continuous quality improvement. Through Linda's outstanding leadership, CODI enjoys the respect of the community's long-term relationships with local churches and has enlisted a large group of volunteers that help provide holiday meals, food assistance, and many other benefits for the consumers at CODI and their families.
Quantifying CODI's tremendous positive impact on countless individuals isn't easy. However, it is undoubtedly significant. It is gratifying to see CODI achieve its mission of serving its consumers with an unapparelled quality of care. CODI accomplishes its mission through even the most challenging circumstances, whether providing housing, assisting with employment, or enriching its clients' personal and economic situations.
Through CODI's outstanding leadership team, solid financial position, careful planning, and diverse revenue streams, its future couldn't be brighter. I feel honored to be a CODI's Board of Directors member."
                                                                                                                                           Joe Cella
                                                                                                                               Past Board Chair

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