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About CODI

CODI's Mission Statement
CODI is committed to enriching personal, social, and economic independence of differently abled individuals through employment and housing.

CODI's Vision Statement
People of diverse backgrounds and experiences working together to foster inclusive communities where differently abled individuals, work or volunteer, live in a safe - comfortable home, recognize their value and worth, and feel empowered to make a positive impact.

CODI's Core Values
Integrity  – Uphold the highest professional standards. Be honest and transparent in all dealings. Seek and use input from stakeholders, including consumers, family members, staff, referral/funding sources, and the community in decision making, strategic planning, quality improvement, and to enhance satisfaction.

Respect – Respect the rights and dignity of others. Accept people for who they are, not who we think they should be.

Stakeholder Commitment – Exceed internal and external stakeholder expectations. Through communication, empathy, empowerment, and teamwork we shall gain our stakeholder’s trust, respect, and ongoing business. 

Diversity and Inclusion - Respect and value the traits and characteristics that make people unique. Foster and nurture an inclusive culture which embraces behaviors that ensure people feel welcome. Sustain a dynamic organizational culture where people from all walks of life with all kinds of experiences come together to further CODI's Mission and Vision.

Integration and Partnerships -  Initiate (value-based) strong community partnerships to foster a holistic approach to enhance optimal outcomes for those we serve.

Empowerment - Provide needed supports to further enable differently abled individuals to gain and maintain power and control of their lives.

Teamwork - Inspire a goal-oriented, optimistic CODI team with shared values and vision.

CODI's Philosophy
CODI is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards. We shall carry out our mission with unquestionable integrity, which is the cornerstone of achieving credibility and ensuring public trust. CODI's ability to achieve its mission is directly dependent on our actions and the day-to-day choices and decisions we make. We are accountable for creating and maintaining credibility and trust with internal and external stakeholders. We shall deal fairly, ethically, and honestly with consumers, board members, staff, volunteers, interns, funding sources, family members, community partners, referral sources, contractors, suppliers, and consultants. To maximize resources for those we serve, we shall routinely cooperate and collaborate with professionals, colleagues, and community partners.

Congressman Jeff Van Drew at CODI.
Congressman Jeff Van Drew at CODI.

Special thanks to Congressman Jeff Van Drew and staff for taking time from their hectic schedules to visit CODI. The group toured our facility and spent time listening to consumer and staff concerns regarding employment opportunities for differently abled individuals. The top concern discussed was proposed federal legislation to abolish 14(C) certificates and sub-minimum wages, which was introduced in the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act.   
Thanks to Jacob Caplan, Director of Advocacy and Government Affairs, from ACCSESNJ, for arranging this important meeting and discussion. We appreciate the opportunity to discuss the significance of our work and its impact on the lives of those we serve throughout our community.

Congressman Jeff Van Drew visited CODI

We are proud to announce that, once again, CODI received a three-year CARF accreditation. CARF remains committed to providing value with an effective framework for quality services, a consultative peer review, resources, and staff support. CODI appreciates this valuable partnership and looks forward to continuing to work together to provide quality services that enhance the lives of those we serve. Please view the video below to learn more about CARF.

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